On Friday, connect online, and over the weekend, continue watching from home, or join us live at the beautiful Energetik Hotel in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. You’ll meet world-class experts who will share the latest research and practical insights on how we perceive our bodies and how this awareness integrates into various disciplines - psychology, philosophy, art, education - and most importantly, our everyday lives. Together, we’ll explore how our bodies shape our perception of the world and how this knowledge can improve our quality of life. The human brain is remarkable in its ability to form new connections, meaning we can relearn how to listen to our bodies and become more “embodied.” It’s never too late to consciously reconnect with ourselves!
The term "embodiment" can be understood as becoming fully present within our bodies, right down to the cellular level. It’s the ability to tune into signals from within and regulate ourselves according to our conscious choices. Think of it as a kind of intelligence that empowers us to take responsibility for our reactions and to shape them in healthy ways. This involves moving away from the stories we tell ourselves (our ego-driven self-awareness) and into the here-and-now of physical reality, what we call embodied self-awareness, or "embodiment". Hidden in the intricate design of our biology is a pattern, like a map, that holds the key to our freedom. As with a blueprint, this map is embedded within the very matrix of our cells and connective tissues—in the heart, lungs, abdomen, and brain. Deep within our bodies lie the portals to both personal and collective liberation.
This unique three-day congress will offer a rich and diverse program. We’ll kick off on Friday with online presentations from international experts leading the field of embodiment. Saturday and Sunday will feature in-person sessions with live online streaming, with a focus on Czech and Slovak specialists and practitioners. The entire program will be fully translated, ensuring it’s accessible to both, Czech and English speaking participants.
Our mission is to bring the concept of embodiment to the Czech and Slovak Republics and make it accessible to everyone. We want to give people the opportunity to cultivate this kind of bodily intelligence, to understand the processes happening within, and to integrate the principles of embodiment into everyday life.
Through this congress, we hope to deepen understanding of bodily experience and its impact on daily life, while providing practical tools and techniques that participants can start using immediately.
Join us in discovering and practicing embodiment in your daily life to boost your self-awareness and find greater freedom in how you respond to the world around you. Become the leader of your own life and inspire others to do the same!
Main Partner: Bohemica Books Publishing House
Programme overview
Who can you meet at the congress
Pro letošní kongres hledáme technicky zdatné dobrovolníky, kteří se zapojí do technického zajištění v průběhu kongresu i po jeho skončení - např. obsluha zvuku nebo obrazu, následný střih videozáznamů apod. Zájemci, vyplňte prosím přiložený jednoduchý formulář, ozveme se Vám a případně doladíme podrobnější informace. Vstup zdarma i všechny videozáznamy jsou samozřejmostí.